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Take Action

Adding your voice to the Campaign to End US Child Labor increases the pressure on state and federal legislators to end the roll back of child labor laws in the United States.


We've created state-level letter-writing campaigns for residents of states where rollbacks of child labor laws are in active progress, and a federal letter campaign which anyone can take part in, anywhere in the US. 

You can also spread the word about the campaign using our social media toolkit!


You need to have an address in these states to be able to send these letters. If you live anywhere else in the United States, you can write to Congress below.


We're asking Congress to put a stop to child labor in the United States by following some critical recommendations, compiled by representatives of non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and trade unions working in the fields of child labor and exploitation, labor rights, unaccompanied children, and children’s rights.  

Please feel free to personalize the letter by adding your own text and personal experiences, to demonstrate why you want to end child labor in the United States. You must have an address in the United States to be able to send this letter.

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